
Cord Wrap Baskets/ Trivets / etc (Skill video)

(screenshot)  I love the ease of this yarn wrapped cord method:

T-Shirt Yarn (Skill video)

 I love this video because it shows how to cut a long continuous yarn from T-Shirt material.  I'd been doing it the hard way: cutting strips and sewing them together.  It made my weaving really difficult and lumpy.  This, however, looks to be a much smarter way to do it! 

Small bag, Adjustable handle video

I can see myself wanting to make this little bag in different sizes:

Batik : Wax resist painting with indigo (video)

When I first saw this video, the amount of leaf needed to make the indigo dye, as well as the time it took to make it, was what struck me most. The wax resist (done in two dips to make two shades of indigo) was beautiful, but for me the amount of time and space it takes to make enough indigo to do the piece is what really struck me.

Skill video plus comments: Navajo Rug- Sheep Shearing to Finished Piece.

 One of the things I've really enjoyed in the past was the "sheep to shawl" process, where I'd spin and dye my own wool before weaving. My wool of choice was always churro (a Spanish sheep preserved by the Navajo in the US) and most of my dyes were the same dyes used by Spanish Colonial people.  I did dabble a bit (somewhat unsuccessfully) with some Navajo dyes, and although using a supported spindle (like the one used in this video) has always been my spinning method of choice, I've lost some interest since I don't have my favorite wool or a space to do natural dying.   This video brought back a lot for me, and I often think about my time in New Mexico, where all this was available to me.

Skill Video: Woad

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Liz Spencer • Natural Dyes & Growing Color (@thedogwooddyer)

Skill video: Processing willow bark

 One thing I've been interested in is multimedia basket weaving. Willow bark is a basic for basket weaving, and I recently found this video on processing willow bark: